Cannabis edibles are constantly evolving in a race to see who can create the most delectable yet buzz-worthy treats. Ever since Mary Rathburn, affectionately known as Brownie Mary, started selling her “pot brownies” in the California area in the 1980’s, the edible industry has taken off. Now, you can find all sorts of edibles on shelves, from baked goods and gummies to beverages and tinctures.
While edibles are now readily available at nearly every dispensary you walk into, we subscribe to the old saying that, “there’s nothing like a home cooked meal!” What if you could whip up your own cannabis edibles at home in whatever dish you like?
The Base of Homemade Cannabis Edibles: Cannabutter
The good news is, you can! We’ve partnered with Sweet Grass in order to bring their award winning cannabutter to our shelves this holiday season. This means you can take some butter home and use it in grandma’s recipes, or even as a substitute for regular butter in your other favorite recipes.
So what exactly is cannabutter? Simply put, it’s your normal, everyday butter that’s been infused with cannabis. Anything you make with this cannabutter will have your typical edible effect, which is why many people love the versatility. Making cannabutter can be done by many various methods, and if you’ve spent any time in the kitchen, you know that all of them are the best one. The process can be watered down to three simple steps:
1. Decarboxylating whichever cannabis flower you decide to use
2. Adding this decarboxylated cannabis to your favorite brand of butter and letting it infuse
3. Straining the plant matter out of the final product
The folks at Leafly have done a good job of putting together a recipe for homemade cannabutter for beginners that you can check out here. If you are making cannabutter at home, make sure you are measuring your cannabis very carefully! If you are not experienced, it can be hard to accurately dose your cannabutter once you have completed the infusion process into the amount that you would like to use. Follow the instructions and make sure you measure how much flower you are using!
Sweet Grass
Making cannabutter isn’t hard, but our friends at Sweet Grass have done all the work for you. Now available in 100mg sticks, Sweet Grass cannabutter is easily portioned out in 10mg slices so you can spice up your holiday meals. If you don’t have any recipes planned out yet, no worries! Sweet Grass has also put together an awesome Holiday Cooking Guide with a little bit of everything from Snickerdoodles and Baked Apple Empanadas to Lemon Roasted Chicken and an infused Butternut Squash Pancetta Risotto.
Additional Recipes
Look out on our blog for additional recipes coming your way! We’re looking to make this Holiday season a tasty one. And, if you remember, last year we partnered with some awesome creatives and chefs in Denver to bring you a few incredible infused recipes. You can find last year’s recipes here:
Mini Cranberry Cheesecake Bites, Mini Pumpkin Pies, & Mini Apple Pies
Roasted Chili Sumac Salmon with Mushroom Succotash
Happy infused cooking, baking, & holidays!